Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Double the fun with Gyruss

"I don't look for projects any more, they look for me." While I can't be certain, it seems I've heard some form of that statement before.  Honestly until the moment I began writing this post, I hadn't given it any thought, or even tried to understand what those crazies were saying.  Speaking of crazies...

Jeff Davis, a new-ish arcade collector, had this busted and trashed Gyruss sitting in his garage.  There wasn't much hope for it really.  There were several parts missing, the monitor tube and frame were there, but not the chassis or neck board.  The wiring harness had been hacked, a switching power supply added, then removed.  Experience told me this cabinet was likely to be scrapped or parted out, which I felt was unfortunate.  Luckily another Gyruss became available, in somewhat better condition, although fortunately for me, also not working.  After fixing up Jeff's second Gyruss, I was gifted the other.  Not to worry, although I haven't done a major restore since the Pandemic Lockdowns, I felt I would eventually get around to this one.

Work on this crap has been tedious.  I've been reluctant to start a post about it, figuring my interest would fade.  However, I've made an effort to spend a minimum of an hour on this each Saturday, so with that, I've managed to maintain what I now call "forward momentum".

Anyway, it's getting late, so for now, I'll just post a few pics.
I call these, "water damage and missing leg levelers".

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