Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Not Much to Report

I've been troubleshooting the main board for this game.  I replaced all four of the TLO82's in the XY section of the board and socketed the chips, but it didn't seem to help.   I also swapped the AVG chip from my Space Duel and grounded the WD/DIS to no avail.  Keep in mind I know very little about the board repairs and typically send them off for someone else to deal with.  Once or twice I've been lucky and it's been a simple repair, but I have to rely on help from the KLOV forum.  At this time the board seems to be pretty dead.  Many of the chips get kinda hot after it's been on for a few minutes.  I'm willing to try a few more things, If I can get the help, but it's likely that I'll be forced to send it out for repair.

Speaking of  "sending out for repair", no word yet on the monitor from Atari Jim. =(